mardi 26 juillet 2016

Minecraft for beginners 2

Amours and weapons

Now we will talk about amours and weapons. In survival mode you would need really good armor and weapon to let you survive some more time and to get better armor you need some ores like diamond, iron gold... You should know that gold is rare but it is one of the worst armor when it is made of gold same thing with gold weapons. The best armors are diamond armor then iron armor and chainmail armor then gold armor and finally leather armor. All armors need 24 pieces to create a full armor. You can dye leather armor of whatever color you want. Chainmail armor can be only found in villages or ask a villagers to trade with you for a Chainmail armor. All armor can be enchanted with the enchanting table. Armors can be found on two mobs the zombie and the skeleton.


I love mines to get ores but when you mine your first block with your pickaxe it would be stone. You will discover the underground world just by mining. It's bad to mine straight down because you might land in a pit of lava, who knows? You can also discover underground caves by mining. Diamond is the hardest ore to find but it is the best element to use to create either armor or weapon.

Cheats in Pocket Edition

In Minecraft there is one cheat that I have found out but there are many more cheats in Minecraft. The cheat is to touch the pencil and then you can chose creative or survival mode. When it's survival mode just change it to creative and then you can take from your inventory everything and then put into a chest and build some buildings, when you have finished just go back to survival mode and then you will be like a pro. But I like playing Minecraft without cheats

The Nether

In any version of the game you can go in the nether now. To go to the nether you need to make a nether portal and to make that you need to use 4 obsidian width and then 5 obsidian of height and then do it again and it would be a obsidian rectangle. Use your flint and steel and put it in the rectangle obsidian and go into the rectangle and you should be in the nether. In the nether their are some mobs like the zombie pigman and the ghast. I will just tell you all the mobs in the nether. The ghast, the magma cube, the blaze, the wither skeleton and the zombie pigman.


In Minecraft you can enchant lots of things like bows and all of the armor. Enchanting is simple, just take the thing that you want to enchant to the enchanting table and the numbers are how many experience point you need to use.

lundi 25 juillet 2016

Minecraft for beginners 1


Minecraft is a fun and popular game that most people know. We will tell you some tips to let you understand and become a pro!

In Minecraft there are two mods, one is survival mode and the other is creative mode. Now we will talk about survival mode but after we will talk about creative mode.


There are lots of different mobs in Minecraft like the creeper, the enderman... The thing is that in creative mode mobs can't hurt you and in survival mode they are great dangers for you. And I will tell you all the mobs and everything about them. I will first tell you the basic mobs(mobs that can be found everywhere).The first mob that I am gonna talk about is the spider, the spider can  run very quickly so that means you need to kill it quickly. It doesn't die in daylight but they only attack at night and if you attack them they will attack you at any moment. They drop about 0-2 string and 0-1 spider eye. The next mob that I am gonna talk about is the creeper. The creeper does not die in daylight but it always attacks you. The creepers attack is to explode and with only one creeper it will blow you to pieces so try to use your bow to kill it. Creepers are scared of ocelots and cats. Creepers also drop 0-2 pieces of gunpowder. (in the Minecraft beginners 2 it will tell you what is a bow and how to make it....) We will now talk about zombies and skeletons, these two mobs can be burned in daylight so when it's night time just go back to your house. A zombie drops rotten flesh and rarely some armor if they had and a skeleton drops 0-2 arrows and their bow (rarely) and also rarely their armor if they had.

Survival Mode

In survival you need to survive as long as possible and the hard part is that there monsters every where at night. I think that you should chop some wood at first about 15 or 20 block of wood and after you make a crafting table to make some planks. And then you collect some dirt to make a house (with no door) as small as possible and then wait for 10 minutes to let the night finish. After that  you should kill some sheep to get some wool. Get some wool until you have three. And if you want you can abandon your first house. You then make another dirt house but a bit bigger because you need to put one more bed. Sleep in your bed... (time pasts quicker in a bed) Now the third day, you would need to make the best house you could possibly make. You can also cut a few more trees to build your house. After you build the house, if you haven't finished it before night it doesn't matter. Go to your house that you made the second day and sleep. Continue these until you have finished your house (of course that you need a door).
After finishing the house you should get some armor and weapon I suggest.Things made of gold has the lowest durability so I suggest you to get leather armor. You need 24 leather to get a full leather armor. Then you would need a weapon so I think you should first get the basic weapon: the sword. I think a that a wooden sword would be perfect for a beginner. For a wooden sword you would need a stick that is made from two planks and two planks but still with armor and weapon don't go outside and try your risk.

                                      To be continued.......

dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Game of Company I

This is our brand new game, it is better than Pokemon GO, I am sure.

Part one

Let's write down here our specification.

Me, the boss, the very big boss of the whole company.

Our company is selling so far one product (which could be extended to many others later).

At the start point of the game, we have one heart and no money (unfortunately).

Oh, the currency in this brand new game is both heart and money. In the external shop, you can buy one heart with 20 dollars (virtual or real money! Yes you can buy your life with money here :-) )

Once the setup is done, we will have visitors, they are also our customers and buyers. They will ask for our product. If they are happy with it, we get one dollar, if not we may either lose one dollar or lose part of our heart (they will beat us just for a wrong product? who knows... let's suppose so).

When there is no heart and the money is less than 20 dollars, the game is finished and the whole company is down... due to you, the player of the game!

Part two

We talk about product or question (at the boss level) without providing any details.

To be simple (at least for this early stage of the game), let's suppose that the product is that for any customer's requested (natural) number, we will tell him if it could be realized as the sum of two cubic numbers. Oh dear, what means cubic number? Well it's a number which could be written as a times a times a, for a certain a.

If the good answer is provided, we get one dollar;

If no answer is provided, we get minus one dollar;

If wrong answer is provided, we get -10% heart;

And if it runs time-out or whatever other non-imaginable error, we get -50% heart.

Part three

Later we will make a BOSS level and also we will make a timer to let you answer the questions but that's later.

Try our new game out at least!!!!!!

vendredi 15 juillet 2016

Pokemon GO !!! (Tips)

Pokemon GO is a new game but it's very popular, here's some handy tips:

  • If you love Pikachu and you want it really quickly. Then when it is the start of the game, when you were about to catch your first Pokemon you should walk away from it and then your phone would have a vibration but continue to walk away and then you would finally find Pikachu appear.
  • You could earn a lot of experiences by catching pokemons and opening eggs.
  • In Pokemon GO there are 150 pokemons.
  • I am going to say is that you can give the professor the pokemons that you don't need and he will give you some candies.
  • When you get to level five you can go to the gym and do battles......

jeudi 14 juillet 2016

Pokemon GO !!! (story mode)

A new story about Pokemon!

Long long ago there were hundreds of Pokemons, until there were humans. Because humans capture Pokemons, humans thought Pokemons were some kind of pets but they were not pets, they were the ones that save the nature like fight against humans that are trying to destroy the environment. The humans vs the Pokemons and the humans lost. So after they capture Pokemons to help them fight the others but some people are nice so they protect the Pokemons to keep the environment. This is how the character Sasha and his friends appear. The fight against Pokemons is continuing and the technology of the humans is improving. Who will win?

Well for the moment, humans are winning but who know who will win at the end because the Pokemons are evolving and new species are appearing. But only 5% of the people actually help the Pokemons and want to train them. The humans have a new plan to destroy all the Pokemons....

To be continued.....

dimanche 10 juillet 2016

Sum of squares

Today Tom the super boss has meeting with his staff. One the worst staff in the world said there was an alien doing stupid things and said that he needs to know the sum of squares or he will blow the world up.  And then there was superman but the alien was too strong so he crushed the superman into two pieces (and died).

And then we called the most smartest person in the world but when the smartest person finished telling the alien that the genius died because the alien couldn't understand. So we were thinking for a new plan.....

So we then knew what to do, we used our computer to do some coding. Tom's super assistant Daddy has prepared a pseudo code. Then Tom the smartest boss tried to reproduce it on his laptop (what, the boss does the hardest part of the job, that's a real master / boss!!!). Of course, Tom the super boss was surprised that Daddy's pseudo code not working. Angry, he asked: "why Daddy you put some codes not working at all there...?"

Daddy stupidly said: "That's called a pseudo code, my dear..."

"Ok, so now remove all pseudo stuff from that, please."

Daddy finished to remove all pseudo stuff and below is the result / code:

from math import sqrt

n = 100

for a in xrange(1,int(sqrt(n))):
  for b in xrange(a,int(sqrt(n))):
    if a**2 + b**2 == n:
      print a,'^2 +',b,'^2 =',n

print "no solution"

And then the alien understood and went on his spaceship and left. So basically our company has saved the world and we are the richest company in the whole wide world.

                                                                The End

How to install python on your MacBook (Introduce python)

First you need to install Xcode. If not yet done, please do it now to pretend that you are a professional coder.

Then we open the terminal in your MacBook.

The following command will install the command line tools on your MacBook:

xcode-select --install

Next we will install Homebrew as follows:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

If needed, you could update your PATH:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH

To finish you can either install Python 2 or Python 3. To be fun, I install both:

brew install python3
brew install python

mardi 5 juillet 2016

学中文 (对话)

Chinese                                           English

明明:你是谁?                                  Tom: Who are you?                              
方方:我是方方!                              Leo: I am Leo!
方方:你爱中文吗?                          Leo: Do you like Chinese?
明明:是中国人我觉地都爱中文。  Tom: If you are Chinese I think you love Chinese.
明明:我有事先走了,再见!          Tom: I have things to do so I will go first, bye!
方方:再见,后会有期!                   Leo: Bye,  see you next time!

lundi 4 juillet 2016

Angry Birds

These angry birds are making their way to their eggs.
Once upon a time there were some lovely birds, the birds can't fly so they were angry. And some pig was sad because they didn't have any eggs so their plan was to take all the eggs from the birds. Hearing their plan, the birds quickly crashed all the pigs but the pigs stole all the eggs while the angry birds were crashing the pigs. But the pigs didn't know that the birds were so quick to come back so all the pigs got crashed and died. The birds lived happily ever again and they all changed their names to the birds and not the angry birds.

dimanche 3 juillet 2016

Minecraft 4.

It was Herobrine, he didn't do anything bad but he told us that he is gonna send hundreds of millions of creatures to attack us and he also said that he is preparing some electric cannons to kill us all. He is again gonna send a few bosses to attack us. And he left. In the morning, I made a farm to easier get some food. At that time Steve made a tunnel from castle to the farm so the food wouldn't get squashed at the battle. In the afternoon we made some villager soldiers and the rest of the villagers that are too bad at fighting, they will just carry food from the farm or they will make rampart and more defenses. In this village there is a special one, that one can make electric cannons and even towers in seconds! We asked his name and he is Bob. He said was stuck in the game too but they instead turned him into a villager. Well, now it's night and the monsters are coming and the big boss is a wither. They are too hard to kill so we need to have an emergency plan. I can't think of any plan but Bob already knows what to do.........

                                                    To be continued.......

samedi 2 juillet 2016

Minecraft 3.

We saw a thing moving and crashing trees whenever it went, it was a boss. That boss was not a huge boss, it was just a normal zombie pigman, its skills are too good. Its skills are above ours and even our cannons always miss him. He is the only enemy left, all the others were killed, shot or bombed by us. We have only one choice, our last choice is to find out his weakness from thousands of millions of Minecraft weakness books on the library bookshelves. We found its weakness: it is water. So we put water all around our castle. We thought we should put a bridge after this night and at that second the enemy died by the water.

Day 2.

Today we put a bridge and a person came to attack us, we first thought it was a good person but then Steve told it was someone bad, very bad and it was........

                                                To be continued.....

Poem : Windrush Generation

Windrush Generation Past glory of England Succes of this Nation Based on the strength of this land Many Jamaicans Find work, prosperity Have...