lundi 19 septembre 2016

Clash journeys! - Human Technology

Human Technology - The Planet Monkey

After the battle versus the creator of that game, our technology has been improved a lot but we want to know more about other planets. Today human technology is improving but not enough, we want that somebody is going out there in space and find out more and improve our technology.

And they have found a person extremely brave and we all call him Bob. Bob has really good talent so we let him go out in to space. Two days later he is ready for the journey. Off to space! He safely arrived to a unknown planet but then an enormous asteroid crashed on the rocket so then he must stay longer on that planet with no food, no drink and no oxygen. He was very exhausted so he lied under a tree. But soon he woke up because he didn't have enough oxygen. He called "Help, help..." then a bunch of weird monkeys came to the rescue.

At first the monkeys thought he was joking but soon they realised he wasn't joking at all. So they carried him to a place. Bob was really afraid of them at the beginning then he realised they were very nice. He was a scientist so he was happy to study them. That will also give him a lot of prizes for studying it in the future. The monkeys actually really quickly gave him some air. Do you know how?

Well, they simply took off the spatial combination. Bob was really surprised that there was actually oxygen on the planet, he then studied the monkeys. The monkeys presented him all the cities of this unbelievable world. He loved the planet so he named the planet "The Planet Monkey". This is the beginning of the new journey.

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