samedi 7 janvier 2017

Minecraft story ..... 14

Day fourteen

We today are going to stand and face directly versus the bosses because we don't want to do a war just because they stole our things. So we told the enemy to show their bosses. We saw their ultimate boss, it was a wither. It is really strong a wither and it's one of the mobs legendary weapon. We are three we might win him.
So in the battle I ounce jumped on their wall and ran and the wither didn't attack me because if he attacked he will attack his own base we then all went on their base but the enemies on the base fired their cannons. So we jumped then the wither got hided and then died. When he almost died he shouted to his team : You fools !!!

The boss died but these leaders will do more disaster to Tom, Atom and the boy. Discover everything else in the second series ....

Minecraft story ....... 13

Day thirteen

Let’s talk about Atom and Tom. Atom was on the way and on that night he arrived and he told me to save them because it was a trap, the whole thing was real but Tom was not there and after two people jumped and attacked him. He was taken to the prison just like Tom. Now with all last chance it is up to me to save them. I don’t know if it was a joke or what but I don’t think it will be. So this is when I was flying in my aircraft and got to the main base of our first victory. A long time that takes but with a aircraft it’s two minutes. I saw that our whole base got ruined also they have took everything. But I was thinking what did he mean by a trap ? Everything is destructed how can they jump ? 
So I hided under the green hills this is when I found a small mini base, I know who there will be. I'm sure that it will have my friends. At midnight we finally got up and got in that mini base. I found them (my friends) in a cage with plenty of guards so I risked my life to save them. I killed the guards and saved my friends and I said "It's time to get out of here!" We then went back down to the hills quickly and they told me what happened... Sure I am going to explain all here and now the thing is that " One day Tom saw us outside the gates so he opened the gates but he didn't know they actually disguised on us. They then let him sign a thing (the first letter) but without knowing he actually signed. This is how Atom came but when he came he got captured then I came and saved them all.
I then said let's go to a hotel and sleep. So we found a hotel and slept.

Minecraft story ...... 12

Day twelve

We didn’t put soldiers on the forest place all over there because it is much too dangerous with all the lava. This time we are taking a submarine to the next place because we looked on the map that the next place leads to the Pacific Ocean. So arriving at the place I made a ship just like a pirate ship. This will be our new main base. Thinking of a plan! Because we can’t spy, because we are not that good on swimming and the trick that we used yesterday can’t be used anymore because it is all water around their base putting lava or water wouldn’t be a good idea. We got an idea, the idea is to disguise the same as the enemy and when we get there we will kill the enemy and it’s just like replacing, we will do the same things to the commanders and then finally the leaders. Ok, we took that idea and we will begin this after eaten. The problem is just no commanders here knows how to swim except the only ones who know swimming - the soldiers. Oh, no chance there will be just the soldiers that will attack. But what about the ender dragons? I was thinking. Actually we will put some archers on our main base and attack the ender dragons. So now we will attack and we win again. But at that moment we received a letter from Tom. It said that some troops came and attacked us, we need someone to come and help otherwise it will be too late ! So we decided that Atom will go to help and then he took some soldiers and left. Now, here there is only me, so all the control is on me. Good night, I am going to sleep. What an exciting day today ! Ender dragons are pretty strong and annoying animals by the way (my experiences).

Minecraft story ...... 11

Day eleven

We have walked already for a moment and we almost arrived because now all around us are forests and forests. We already put some troops to spy and you should obviously know that we have put some troops in the place that we won just as yesterday. We now have arrived and do you know what, I have already a very smart plan. The plan is that we will put on the north of the enemy “troops”, on the south “lava”, on the other two sides “water”. So just like that I am almost a hundred percent sure that we will win. If they use aircrafts or dragons we will put some archers a bit everywhere just around all the people that are putting lava. During these minutes, our spies told us their plan. Their plan was to attack directly where we are in the midnight and win. So just at that moment we have changed our plan. The new plan hasn’t changed anything except now we are not attacking anymore, we will just put lava and lava and some archers around the people that are putting lava so we will attack at 17:00 this afternoon. For the loot or experiences we will not care anymore because we have plenty of resources. Now it’s the attacking time, we actually won but some of our soldiers died because they also had a underground path and just behind us were the enemies. I almost died but luckily a soldier of our team pushed himself to protect me. You know in all the villages there is a TV, I think this battle will be on TV.

vendredi 6 janvier 2017

Minecraft story ....... 10

Day in the Desert

We have travelled this place by a rocket and we finally arrived at our destination. A very dry desert with a huge sand castle. We built some more buildings and even some tranches but then we were building some underground tunnels and then we got back up and found a temple inside. It might have some traps, but imagine everything that we can get We thought, first we will go into the temple then we will attack the enemies. In the temple, we have found a diamond then when we continued and we saw another tunnel. We entered in the tunnel, but when I looked at it, it was the enemy tunnel and they were loading traps like cannons into the temple. As well they said: escaping tunnel just like them, they will never find us. We then immediately return to the base and one of us said: We should make a trap, the trap will be that our tranches pass around the temple and then to the enemy base. And then I said: “Yes, we should put some troops in the base, some in our tunnel, some will go in the temple and attack and finally all the rest will directly attack in their base.” Also behind their base we should put some soldiers, putting hot lava to burn down their base. So we did this and we won! Some enemies escaped by using aircrafts and dragons to fly away Anyway everyone was happy for this great victory. Tomorrow we are going to walk to the next place. So I am going to take a big and deep sleep.

Minecraft story ........ 8 & 9

Day eight and nine

Ah more bases, we surely can beat the third place tomorrow. Because the thing is that we need one of us to guard these few places so the guardian will be Tom. 
Atom, me and some troops will continue the journey, we finally arrived in the night, we came to a village. In the morning we found out that all our soldiers were dead and we finally noticed that the person who did all of that were the villagers. In fact the enemy told the villagers anyone who comes here will make them die. We didn’t want all the enemies to stay alive so we killed all villagers. Here we are building the village, making walls and constructing cannons. They are much bigger and better than us, so we are now thinking of a plan The new plan is to spy and while spying, attack, everyone is ok for that idea but I immediately got a new idea because the enemies’ palace walls are all made of ice so we are going to put some wood and make some fire to crack ice. The second idea is even better: we choose the second one. It worked, fire has cracked the ice and without doing anything else except putting more wood we won. Bye, ice age. We then didn’t know how to get to the next place, so we built a rocket to get there, we left some of our best soldiers to guard this place.

Minecraft story ...... 7

Day seven

We are now not gonna walk but fly because we have dragons. I really never used a dragon to fly. But when we found the second place, things were much difficult because we don’t have a place to live and enemies are a bit everywhere. So we walked 3000 meters away to build houses and buildings. No enemy around? Ok, no one. So constructing a wall! When we got on the wall we saw . we are trapped I thought. I am going to explain the situation: in fact our bases and all the things we had have been taken down. So we are in the middle of the two places. We can be attacked from the two sides and when that happens we don’t stand a chance. In case of this things happen, we made underground village to survive and also when they come nearby or even in our base we can activate traps so they all will be dead. And just like that we could win. My team mates think that is the best and only solution left. We used solution and it worked: they came, we hide and traps kill them until they have no more troops. So just like that even if they use aircrafts they could not win. It looks like that they are still pretty smart because at the end they were digging. We know we almost won, so we came out of our underground village and attack. Victory for us !! This is pretty tiring, so I am gonna sleep.

Minecraft story ..... 6

Day six

Waked up and I thought what kind of adventure will we have today? Anyway the enemy and us have just a river in the middle so we shouldn’t make some boats to start the attack. We slowly came and attacked but when we came we saw that they have monsters like skeletons in their team. So at the other side of the river we made some tents and built some cannons and a small wall to protect so now we don’t need to do a lot just fire the cannons and they are all dead. The battle is continuing. Now the ender dragons came all our team in the other side of the river died except some who came back. At the end our archers attacked some ender dragons dead except one baby ender dragon. I healed all the ender dragons. Because ender dragons’s secrets are that ender dragon could revive the other ender dragons. They are now not anymore some enemies but friends. So we easily won with all our troops and the ender dragons. They then left a message on one of their castle : win all ten places and win our BOSS. Later we thought tomorrow we are going to battle the second place. Now we have plenty of things because in their chests lots of things is in there. Ok, I am now sleeping because we are back to our base. 

jeudi 5 janvier 2017

Minecraft story ...... 5

Day five

We waked up and continued our journey and then we saw some castle and a wall. The wall we can say that its bigger than the Great Wall of China. Atom said that he has a house very close and we all think this is where the people that have stolen everything lives here. We began to make walls and defences like TNT cannons. A war is very likely to start. We don’t have a second left before they will attack us. We also need farms to eat, an army to win. At night we don’t really sleep just in case if spies come or army attacks. War is going to start tomorrow I think, but now we are not so weak. Hey, I also learned some more things tricks just like dispensers I am sleeping.

Minecraft story ....... 4

Day four

Ah, it was great yesterday but when we realised that the prisoner escaped somehow. But I think somebody else saved him. Ah what a bad day, everyone was worried how to continue to chase the prisoner and his team. I then said that we can still know where they are just by following the footprints on the floor. We took this decision, and have eaten a bit then finally left the place. We followed the footprints for the rest of the day. We slept the night in a small village. We did not do much but I still found a clue, I found a letter in one of the footprints then said : Let’s form a team together monsters please versus the 3 all away there. Ok? When I saw this letter I was very upset I told my team mates of course. Oh, I forgot to tell you I found this clue this afternoon. I am going to sleep.

Minecraft story ..... 3

Day three

 In the morning my master screamed and said “Who has stolen from me everything that I have ?” and I said “Anyway it’s not me! Look what do I have? A sword, a bow, some arrows and nothing else!” I was thinking who could be but at last I remembered that it might be the friend that made my master last night who might have stolen all of these, I told all that to my master. My master told me that we are going to find him and he knows where he lives. We went to his house, he was really unhappy because someone took all his things too He thinks that it might be my master. But at the end, we formed a team to find out the person (or monster) that has stolen all of that and also the guy finally said that he was called Tom and my master said he was called Atom. Ok we decided to stay at Tom’s house and discuss a while. Tom said that he thinks it’s the monsters because he saw that it was a zombie but he wasn’t sure because it can not open chests and they are not that skilled. I said that we should put my things in his chest and make some traps around so we can know if it is the monsters or some human. We all have chosen my idea and then in the midnight something got captured. We looked and we were very satisfied It was a human, we have put him in prison and then we deeply all got tired and got into a deep sleep.

Minecraft story ...... 2

Day two

Very early, we have begun our journey. My master has told me how to craft some basic weapons like a sword, a bow and some arrows. We shot spiders and cut down some woods to get all the ingredients. Later we went to the house of my master he said : I have many houses but we are going to the nearest house. When I saw his house I thought that was a castle. When it was night my master made a friend, I thought that this person was very strange. Anyway I am pretty tired and also that person left.

Minecraft story ....

Day one

It was a pretty happy day in Minecraft. I began to cut trees and make my house. It all went good until I found a village. It was my luckiest day, I exchanged gold, I even helped them to make more houses. But horrors came in the village, zombies even a ender dragon. The golems helped a lot but what about the ender dragon ? At this moment someone came, it was a really cool and strong person. He killed the ender dragon and this is why I wanted to be just like him. I wanted him to be my master because people like me does not even know how to craft a sword. Ok, he will stay in the village tonight but tomorrow he will leave and I will be with him. I’m tired I gonna sleep.

To be continued .......

Poem : Windrush Generation

Windrush Generation Past glory of England Succes of this Nation Based on the strength of this land Many Jamaicans Find work, prosperity Have...