lundi 19 décembre 2016

C'est noel P.U.S.H

Aujourd'hui dans une étable le Sauveur est né.
Chacun de nous est invite à venir l'adorer
C'est Noёl, Paix sur terre.
Gloire a Dieu, au plus haut des Cieux!

Dans cette nuit admirable ou Dieu nous rejoint,
cet enfant vient nous redonner notre liberté.
C'est Noёl, Paix sur terre.
Gloire a Dieu, au plus haut des Cieux!

Aujourd'hui dans une étable le Sauveur est né.
Chacun de nous est invite à venir l'adorer
C'est Noёl, Paix sur terre.
Gloire a Dieu, au plus haut des Cieux!

jeudi 8 décembre 2016

Nissa la Bella 1912

Oh ma Belle Nice
Reine des fleurs
Tes vieux toits

Je chanterais les montagnes
Tes riches decors
Tes vertes campagnes
Ton grand soleil d'or

Toujours moi je chanterais
Sous tes tonnelles
Ta mer d'azur
Ton ciel pur
Et toujours je crierais
Dans ma ritournelle
Vive, vive Nice la Belle

Je chante la capeline,
La rose, le lilas,
Le port et la marine,
Paillon, Mascouninat

Je chante la mansarde
D'où naissent les chansons,
Le fuseau, la petite quenouille,
Ma belle Nanoun

Je chante nos gloires,
L'antique et belle lampe à l'huile,
Du Donjon la victoire,
L'odeur de ton printemps

Je chante le vieux Sincaire,
Et ton drapeau blanc,
Le berceau de ma mere
Du monde le plus beau

La rentrée

Un oiseau chantonne
Un air de Mozart
Que le vent d'automne
Emporte au hazard
Bernard et Nicole,
La main dans la main,
Ont pris de l'école
Le joli chemin.
On voit sous les pommes
Crouler les pommiers.
Les crayons, les gommes
Sortent des plumiers.
Le ciel est morose.
Il verse des pleurs...
Mais Rosa - la rose
Est toujours en fleurs

                                              Jean - Luc - Moreau

vendredi 25 novembre 2016

Clash Royal et l'Imagination

See original imageIntro Royal: Clash Royal est un jeu superbe crée par Supercell. Il y a des arènes, je connais que le premier c'est l'entrainement et le dernier c'est l'arène légendaire. Il y a beaucoup de creatures, comme (les nouvelle légendaire) le dragon de l'enfer. Moi je vous dit que j'ai le Zappy et c'est la meilleur carte (non-volant) aussi le Pekka que tu trouves en arène 4 et le Zappy arène 6 (l'arène ou je suis)

En tout cas dans clash royal il y a des clans et tous ca, c'est un superbe et recommander jeu. Je le propose.

Note: 81 / 100                                    81 sur 100 C'est 90% recommander mais je sais qu'il y a des meilleurs jeu mais ce jeu peut améliorer en mettant beaucoup plus d'imagination sur le jeu.

Imagination: J'aime bien le Zappy et tout ca mais j'aimerai bien que il y aura plus d'imagination. Le mini Zappy, l'armée des goblins volant (des goblins qui volent et lancent une pierre chacun), le lanceur de rocket (quelqu'un qui lance des mini rocket de 100 dégâts) et finalement le lanceur d'épines volant (un goblin qui lancent des épines de loin pour attacker et il aura pas beaucoup de PV comme la princesse mais en volant). C'est plaint d'imagination non Supercell ?

L'imagination est a vous! A vous de jouer!

jeudi 24 novembre 2016

China - Pekin/Beijing (english)


China is a very big country. Today we will talk about Pekin, the capital of China. It’s a wonderful place with many temples and palaces. Many Chinese emperors lived in Pekin. There are lots of places to visit such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, Tian’anmen Place and the Summer Palace.

The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City was the residence of the imperial family but now it becomes a museum. In the past, we could never enter in the Forbidden City except the family members of the emperor (the imperial family). This is how the Forbidden City got its name. Now everyone can come to visit the museum. There are a lot of jewellery and very precious stones like the ruby. This is one of the most marvellous places of the world!

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most fascinating places, it serpents over 3000km. If we count its various ramifications, it measures almost 6000km. The Great Wall of China is one of the most amazing human constructions, we can even see it far from the sky ! 200 years before J.C., the very first Chinese emperor Qin Shihuangdi created the most amazing project to construct the Great Wall of China to protect China from being attacked. After that the Great Wall of China began to get its form under the Han dynasty. It has needed over 700 000 criminals and prisoners to finish this construction. It has needed even more people because it needed to be reconstructed after the attacks. Now the Great Wall of China is a wonderful place to visit. It was a success for Qin Shihuangdi!

The Temple of Heaven

In the ancient China, the emperor was considered as the son of the universe who did all the administration on his world. It was on 1420 that we have constructed monument of the Sky and the Earth. After we have renamed it to the Temple of Heaven. This temple has once been renovated in the 18th century. The Temple of Heaven is a really big place, this place extends to a 1,7km x 1,5km either 273 hectares. This monument is two times bigger than the Forbidden City ! The emperor comes to this temple every winter solstice to pray for a good harvest. In conclusion the Temple of heaven is a really big place and magnificent place.

Place Tian’anmen

Tian’anmen is in reality the name of the Door of Peace which is in the entry South of the Forbidden City. In the ancient story, the door was the entry point of the Forbidden City where the imperial family was at one side and the people on the other. We can see the portrait of the first president of China (Mao Zedong) on Tian’anmen.

The Summer Palace

The Summer Palace is the masterpiece of the art of the gardens with a beautiful Chinese landscape. This palace was created in 1750 and destroyed a lot on 1860 but reconstructed on 1886. In the garden we have hills, natural landscape and some lakes. But there are also human manufacture things in this wonderful palace for example decorated rooms, a palace, temples and bridges. This place is just like in the paradise!

Animals - Real & Legendary

The Giant Pandas

The giant pandas are only found in China. It eats bamboos, fish and it will occasionally eat small animals. It is black and white. So the giant panda is a omnivore. They are some big eaters, they eat 12kg of bamboos everyday. This animal is 75cm tall and 1.5m long. A wild giant panda weighs 60 to 73kg. The largest record was 110kg. Males are about 1/6 larger than females. Pandas in captivity are much bigger. Giant pandas lives in bamboo forests.

The Dragon

The dragon is the symbol of China. These creatures are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology. The dragon is a imaginary creature and they are most commonly as snakes with four legs. Chinese dragons traditionally symbolise powers particularly control over water, rainfall and floods. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it. And this is how the Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial power and strength. It is one of the 12 zodiac animals.

The 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals

China has 12 different Chinese zodiac animals. There are the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac, in order, they are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and finally Pig. For example in 2015 it was the Goat. If your zodiac animal is a dog then you are born in 2006 or if you are born in 2005 then your zodiac animal is the rooster !

Legend of 'Nian'

Legend goes that in ancient China there lived a monster named Nian who, with a horn on the head, was extremely ferocious. Nian lived deep at the bottom of the sea all year round and climbed up the shore only on New Year's Eve to devour the cattle and kill people's lives. So what does we react ? We were afraid and scared but one day a old woman stuck red paper and red lanterns, the Nian was afraid so they knew they would need to stick red papers and make firecrackers to let the Nian go away.

China - Bicycle & Food:

In the past China, we mostly use bicycle to go home or to go to school and to play outside with friends, it’s pretty good. Now we still use it to go to school and coming back home but not that much for going outside to play with friends because we have now invented cars, buses and other transport. And for the food, there are a lot of Chinese food but we mainly all eat rice and green tea …. sometimes we eat dumplings and it's really yummy. We also eat spring rolls. In Pekin you must eat fried duck because Pekin’s fried duck is the best. 

mardi 22 novembre 2016

Chine - Pékin/Beijing (français)


La Chine est très grande mais aujourd’hui on va parler de Pékin la capitale de la Chine. C’est un lieu extraordinaire. Beaucoup d’empereurs chinois habitaient à Pékin. Il y a beaucoup de lieux à visiter mais cette fois-ci on va parler de la Cité interdite, la Grande Muraille, le Temple du Ciel, la Place Tian’anmen et le Palais d’été.

La Cité interdite

La Cité interdite était la résidence de la famille impériale mais elle devient maintenant un musée. Avant on ne peut pas entrer dans la Cité interdite sauf la famille de l’empereur (la famille impériale) ça c’est pourquoi la Cité interdite a eu son nom. Maintenant tout le monde peut entrer. Dans le musée, il y a plein de bijoux et de précieuses pierres comme le ruby. C’est un des endroits les plus merveilleux de Pékin !

La Grande Muraille

La Grande Muraille de Chine est un lieu très fascinent, elle serpente plus de 3000km. Si l’on compte ses diverses ramifications, elle mesure près de 6000km. La Grande Muraille est la construction humaine la plus stupéfiante ! 200 ans avant J.-C., l’empereur Qin Shihuangdi a créé le projet surhumain de construire la Grande Muraille pour protéger la Chine contre des attaques. C’est ainsi elle commença à prendre forme sous les Han. Il a fallut 700 000 criminels et prisonniers pour finir cette muraille. Elle a fallut encore plus d’hommes parce que la Grande Muraille était un peu détruite et chaque fois il fallait la reconstruire. Maintenant la Grande Muraille est un lieu de visite. C’était une réussite pour Qin Shihuangdi !

Le Temple du Ciel

Avant, dans la Chine ancienne, l’empereur était considéré comme le fils du Ciel qui administre sur terre les tâches à la place d’une autorité céleste. C’est en 1420 qu’on a baptisé le monument du Ciel et de la Terre. Ensuite on l'a renommé Temple du Ciel. Le Temple du Ciel était rénové au 18ème siècle. Le temple s’étend sur une surface rectangulaire de 1,7km x 1,5km soit 273 hectares. Ce monument est deux fois plus grand que la Cité interdite ! L’empereur vient tous les solstices d’hivers au Temple du Ciel pour prier une bonne récolte. En conclusion le Temple du Ciel est un lieu très grand et magnifique.

Place Tian’anmen

Tian’anmen est en réalité le nom de La Porte de la Paix Céleste qui constitue l’entrée Sud de la Cité interdite. Dans l’histoire ancienne, la porte était le point d’entrée de la Cité interdite où la famille impérial d’un côté et le peuple de l’autre. On peut voir le portrait du premier président de la république (Mao Zedong) sur Tian’anmen.

Palais d’été

Le Palais d’été est le chef-d’oeuvre de l’art des jardins paysagers chinois. Elle est créée en 1750 et détruite en grande partie en 1860 mais reconstruite en 1886. Dans le jardin, il y a des collines, des paysages naturels et des plans d’eau. Mais il y a aussi de la fabrication humaine dans ce palais comme des salles, un palais, des temples et des ponts. C’est comme au paradis !

Animaux - Réel & Légendaire

Le Panda Géant

Les Pandas Géants ne sont trouvés qu'en Chine. Le panda géant ne mange que des poissons, de bambous et parfois des petits animaux. C’est un animal noir et blanc. Donc le panda géant est un omnivore (qui mange tout comme les cochons). Cet animal est un très grand mangeur. Il mange environ 12kg de bambous par jour. Ils font 75cm de hauteur et 1.5m de largeur. Dans la nature un panda géant pèse 60 à 73kg. Le plus grand record était 110kg. Les mâles sont à peu près 1/6 plus grands que les femelles. Les pandas en captivité sont plus grands. Les pandas géants habitent dans des forêts de bambous.

Le Dragon

Le dragon est le symbol de la Chine. Ces créatures sont légendaires dans la mythologie chinoise. Le dragon est un animal imaginaire et ils sont plus souvent un serpent avec quatre pattes. Les dragons chinois sont traditionnellement symbolisés par le pouvoir, la force et la bonne chance pour les gens qui sont dignes. Et voilà comment l'empereur de Chine utilise habituellement le dragon comme symbole de sa puissance impériale et la force. Il est l'un des 12 animaux du zodiaque.

Les 12 Animaux Zodiac Chinois

La Chine a 12 différents animaux zodiaque. Ces 12 animaux du zodiaque chinois sont: dans l'ordre, Rat, Bœuf, Tigre, Lapin, Dragon, Serpent, Cheval, Chèvre, Singe, Coq, Chien et enfin Cochon. Par exemple, en 2015, il était l'année de chèvre. Si votre animal du zodiaque est un chien alors vous êtes né en 2006 ou si vous êtes né en 2005, alors votre animal du zodiaque est le coq!

mercredi 16 novembre 2016


Heureux les pauvres de cœur,
Le Royaume des Cieux est à eux !

Heureux ceux qui pleurent,
Ils seront consolés !

Heureux les doux,
Ils recevront la terre que Dieu a promise !

Heureux ceux qui ont faim et soif de justice,
Dieu exaucera leur désir !

Heureux moi et toi,
Une grande surprise nous attend!

Tianrui Jiang

Le Souvenir 2

Le souvenir apporta tout ses chagrins,
avec amour et tristesse.
On est avec toi, rien peut nous détruire,
surtout l'amitié et aussi l'amour.
Mais rien tout ça c'est un souvenir.
Dans ces années-là, on a passé un temps d'amitié,
on ne peut jamais se séparer,
je serais là en attendant toi toujours
même si tu pars...

je serai là!

Tianrui Jiang

L'amour et la tristesse

Un jour ou deux l'amour viendrait à toi,
sans partir, sans venir, l'amour est déjà à toi.
La tristesse et l'amour sont valables à tout le monde.
La tristesse et la rage contre l'amour et la joie,
l'amour et la joie nous contentent beaucoup,
la tristesse et la rage nous font briser le cœur souvent.
La joie et l'amour tout le monde peut les avoir.
La tristesse viendra quand tu pleuras.
Quand tu seras vieux tu sentiras des souvenirs,
de l'amour et de la tristesse.
L'amour qu'on a, on l'oubliera jamais,
jusqu'à notre mort.
Un enfant sans amour peut jamais être content,
à cause de ses parents.
Ô amour et joie restent là parmi nous,
avec plaisir et amour tu seras toujours avec nous.
Nous accueillons avec joie dans cette terre aimée.
L'amour sera toujours parmi nous.

Tianrui Jiang


L'amitié entre toi et moi, personne ne comprendra.
Tout le monde a un ami.
Nous on fait toujours confiance à notre ami,
on a toujours un secret pour nous même
et pas pour notre ami.
On peut séparer avec notre ami,
ami pour un jour, ami pour deux jours,
mais on sera pas ami tous les jours.
Il faut jamais toujours croire à son ami,
après une grande dispute.

Ami à toi et à moi.

Tianrui jiang

Le Souvenir

Si la mer était rouge,
le ciel serait rouge.

La vie et la mort,
la vie d'un bébé,
jusqu'à un pépé.

La joie d'un enfant,
fait sourir les parents.

La mort contre la vie,
l'enfance et la jeunesse,
la paix contre la guerre,
tout dépend de la justice.

Tianrui Jiang

samedi 1 octobre 2016

Le Billet - Poesie

Image result for billet
Il a un billet mais il a volé ce billet
quand sa maman rangeait ses jouets
pour lui féliciter.

Il rêvait toujours,
il a pensé mais il a osé.

Il a rangé le billet
dans sa maison hantée.

Il a pleuré de joie et sa maman a
appelé les policiers.

Les policiers ont trouvé ce billet
et ce garçon a pleurniché.

Ce garçon se cachait
et n'a jamais plus parlé de ce sujet.

Auteur : Tianrui Jiang

lundi 19 septembre 2016

Clash journeys! - Human Technology

Human Technology - The Planet Monkey

After the battle versus the creator of that game, our technology has been improved a lot but we want to know more about other planets. Today human technology is improving but not enough, we want that somebody is going out there in space and find out more and improve our technology.

And they have found a person extremely brave and we all call him Bob. Bob has really good talent so we let him go out in to space. Two days later he is ready for the journey. Off to space! He safely arrived to a unknown planet but then an enormous asteroid crashed on the rocket so then he must stay longer on that planet with no food, no drink and no oxygen. He was very exhausted so he lied under a tree. But soon he woke up because he didn't have enough oxygen. He called "Help, help..." then a bunch of weird monkeys came to the rescue.

At first the monkeys thought he was joking but soon they realised he wasn't joking at all. So they carried him to a place. Bob was really afraid of them at the beginning then he realised they were very nice. He was a scientist so he was happy to study them. That will also give him a lot of prizes for studying it in the future. The monkeys actually really quickly gave him some air. Do you know how?

Well, they simply took off the spatial combination. Bob was really surprised that there was actually oxygen on the planet, he then studied the monkeys. The monkeys presented him all the cities of this unbelievable world. He loved the planet so he named the planet "The Planet Monkey". This is the beginning of the new journey.

samedi 27 août 2016

Clash journeys! - The Doom of The Earth

The Doom of The Earth

In 1988 there was an epic game called Clash of Clans. The inventor of that game wanted to destroy the world. But how?

The inventor and his people wanted to make the game alive. And they did it! After that, people went crazy because houses were destroyed and people died. Soldiers were not at their level. Giants and archers were crazily destroying the walls. There was only one solution: BOMB the controller of all these. But there was a trap: when we bombed it, there was a guy using laser. And that person is a random person that I don't even know how he had be controlled by the enemy.


Oh hi! I am not dead yet because it was just a dream but it actually happened in real life! But they retreated their armies and will continue their attacks next time.

In 1989, after the attack of the game Clash of Clans, the inventor of the game got a new idea to get his revenge. His new idea is to command his people to throw asteroids on the planet Earth (our planet!!!) and in the asteroids I am guessing there are lots of bombs. Sadly no one noticed that except me. I got an idea! My idea is to warn everybody. And I did it! They trusted me and they shot all the asteroids off. Good news! The asteroids got successfully shot off and the technology is improving. Bad news in the asteroids is actually not those bombs but giants and other unknown creatures invading and parachuting like last time. It was a bad thing but it was cool for me because I love battles. I am now gonna see how much they destroyed......

OH MY GOD! It is like if they destroyed the entire planet but actually they only destroyed about 75% of the Earth and they have destroyed my house. I think the inventor of that game should give up on attacking or we are doomed and while that stupid inventor is planning a new plan, we are rebuilding our houses and helping the soldiers to improve and to rebuild defences.

The new epic fight begins!!!

In 1990 the fight against the creator of that game hasn't stopped. The creator wanted to make a new troop "the dragons" and we think that he is gonna use dragons and other creatures to attack us, so we've been making some air defences mainly and we have finished preparing our houses. We hate these stupid goblins who take our golds and foods each time. There is sometimes a small fight as well.

These days are calm but we always think there is a trap. Oh no, they are building in thousands and millions of kilometres away from here some dragon's huts. We think it is like goblin huts just some buildings where goblins hide in but a dragon hut is completely different because scientists researched that a dragon hut spawns dragons out when there is a big battle. When I heard that, I was thinking that we don't have any chance of winning the battle. Except if we can destroy these huts. Oh my god, I am so smart why don't we make soldier huts and we might have a chance to beat the enemy. Today is the battle day and we won! Do you know how?

Well we have made so many soldier's huts and before the battle we have destroyed a few dragon's huts. Still the dragons were too powerful but we still have other soldiers coming helping us from other countries. And we won, still they destroyed a lot.

The war hasn't stopped but they haven't attacked us for one year. We now know their new plans, I think they've run out of plans but they didn't. Their last plan I think is to make an alliance and I've guessed correctly. Their plan is to make an alliance with aliens and somehow they can communicate with each other. So we have an idea to make our defences better. Our idea is to have an alliance with momies and other creatures and at the battle we won. Do you know HOW?

Even though they have aliens but they didn't know we have other creatures and aliens were actually even better than our creatures but we had more. This time they used all of their troops and we used all of our troops too. We scare off some of the aliens because aliens were scared at momies and because they didn't know what were momies. But our momies were all very brave. They didn't really destroy anything and we have sneaked up and destroyed some of their bases too. We won!!!

This time, I think, is the last time they would come and attack us or maybe we will win them. Because I heard about that they are using some technics that almost no one knows! That is the immortal bowler technic, this technic is using healers that is invincible if you only have one air defence or you don't have any air defences. And now we don't have any air defences so we are......DOOMED!!!!!

Anyway it needs more than two days for our two air defences to be finished building and they only need one day to finish their troops. So now we need to use all of our gems to save the world, so we used all our gems and almost saved the world because they used first all their last giants and troops to destroy our air defences and then we had an idea: one soldier said "Why don't we go and sneak to the enemy base and win?" and then we all say great idea but still we don't want to lose our own base. So we let some of our soldiers to defend. We successfully got their base but they got our base as well. That does not matter because they don't have any food but we got their foods and we took our own foods to the new enemy base and now that base is not anymore an enemy base because the enemies also all got killed by hunger. So we really won!!!

mardi 26 juillet 2016

Minecraft for beginners 2

Amours and weapons

Now we will talk about amours and weapons. In survival mode you would need really good armor and weapon to let you survive some more time and to get better armor you need some ores like diamond, iron gold... You should know that gold is rare but it is one of the worst armor when it is made of gold same thing with gold weapons. The best armors are diamond armor then iron armor and chainmail armor then gold armor and finally leather armor. All armors need 24 pieces to create a full armor. You can dye leather armor of whatever color you want. Chainmail armor can be only found in villages or ask a villagers to trade with you for a Chainmail armor. All armor can be enchanted with the enchanting table. Armors can be found on two mobs the zombie and the skeleton.


I love mines to get ores but when you mine your first block with your pickaxe it would be stone. You will discover the underground world just by mining. It's bad to mine straight down because you might land in a pit of lava, who knows? You can also discover underground caves by mining. Diamond is the hardest ore to find but it is the best element to use to create either armor or weapon.

Cheats in Pocket Edition

In Minecraft there is one cheat that I have found out but there are many more cheats in Minecraft. The cheat is to touch the pencil and then you can chose creative or survival mode. When it's survival mode just change it to creative and then you can take from your inventory everything and then put into a chest and build some buildings, when you have finished just go back to survival mode and then you will be like a pro. But I like playing Minecraft without cheats

The Nether

In any version of the game you can go in the nether now. To go to the nether you need to make a nether portal and to make that you need to use 4 obsidian width and then 5 obsidian of height and then do it again and it would be a obsidian rectangle. Use your flint and steel and put it in the rectangle obsidian and go into the rectangle and you should be in the nether. In the nether their are some mobs like the zombie pigman and the ghast. I will just tell you all the mobs in the nether. The ghast, the magma cube, the blaze, the wither skeleton and the zombie pigman.


In Minecraft you can enchant lots of things like bows and all of the armor. Enchanting is simple, just take the thing that you want to enchant to the enchanting table and the numbers are how many experience point you need to use.

lundi 25 juillet 2016

Minecraft for beginners 1


Minecraft is a fun and popular game that most people know. We will tell you some tips to let you understand and become a pro!

In Minecraft there are two mods, one is survival mode and the other is creative mode. Now we will talk about survival mode but after we will talk about creative mode.


There are lots of different mobs in Minecraft like the creeper, the enderman... The thing is that in creative mode mobs can't hurt you and in survival mode they are great dangers for you. And I will tell you all the mobs and everything about them. I will first tell you the basic mobs(mobs that can be found everywhere).The first mob that I am gonna talk about is the spider, the spider can  run very quickly so that means you need to kill it quickly. It doesn't die in daylight but they only attack at night and if you attack them they will attack you at any moment. They drop about 0-2 string and 0-1 spider eye. The next mob that I am gonna talk about is the creeper. The creeper does not die in daylight but it always attacks you. The creepers attack is to explode and with only one creeper it will blow you to pieces so try to use your bow to kill it. Creepers are scared of ocelots and cats. Creepers also drop 0-2 pieces of gunpowder. (in the Minecraft beginners 2 it will tell you what is a bow and how to make it....) We will now talk about zombies and skeletons, these two mobs can be burned in daylight so when it's night time just go back to your house. A zombie drops rotten flesh and rarely some armor if they had and a skeleton drops 0-2 arrows and their bow (rarely) and also rarely their armor if they had.

Survival Mode

In survival you need to survive as long as possible and the hard part is that there monsters every where at night. I think that you should chop some wood at first about 15 or 20 block of wood and after you make a crafting table to make some planks. And then you collect some dirt to make a house (with no door) as small as possible and then wait for 10 minutes to let the night finish. After that  you should kill some sheep to get some wool. Get some wool until you have three. And if you want you can abandon your first house. You then make another dirt house but a bit bigger because you need to put one more bed. Sleep in your bed... (time pasts quicker in a bed) Now the third day, you would need to make the best house you could possibly make. You can also cut a few more trees to build your house. After you build the house, if you haven't finished it before night it doesn't matter. Go to your house that you made the second day and sleep. Continue these until you have finished your house (of course that you need a door).
After finishing the house you should get some armor and weapon I suggest.Things made of gold has the lowest durability so I suggest you to get leather armor. You need 24 leather to get a full leather armor. Then you would need a weapon so I think you should first get the basic weapon: the sword. I think a that a wooden sword would be perfect for a beginner. For a wooden sword you would need a stick that is made from two planks and two planks but still with armor and weapon don't go outside and try your risk.

                                      To be continued.......

dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Game of Company I

This is our brand new game, it is better than Pokemon GO, I am sure.

Part one

Let's write down here our specification.

Me, the boss, the very big boss of the whole company.

Our company is selling so far one product (which could be extended to many others later).

At the start point of the game, we have one heart and no money (unfortunately).

Oh, the currency in this brand new game is both heart and money. In the external shop, you can buy one heart with 20 dollars (virtual or real money! Yes you can buy your life with money here :-) )

Once the setup is done, we will have visitors, they are also our customers and buyers. They will ask for our product. If they are happy with it, we get one dollar, if not we may either lose one dollar or lose part of our heart (they will beat us just for a wrong product? who knows... let's suppose so).

When there is no heart and the money is less than 20 dollars, the game is finished and the whole company is down... due to you, the player of the game!

Part two

We talk about product or question (at the boss level) without providing any details.

To be simple (at least for this early stage of the game), let's suppose that the product is that for any customer's requested (natural) number, we will tell him if it could be realized as the sum of two cubic numbers. Oh dear, what means cubic number? Well it's a number which could be written as a times a times a, for a certain a.

If the good answer is provided, we get one dollar;

If no answer is provided, we get minus one dollar;

If wrong answer is provided, we get -10% heart;

And if it runs time-out or whatever other non-imaginable error, we get -50% heart.

Part three

Later we will make a BOSS level and also we will make a timer to let you answer the questions but that's later.

Try our new game out at least!!!!!!

vendredi 15 juillet 2016

Pokemon GO !!! (Tips)

Pokemon GO is a new game but it's very popular, here's some handy tips:

  • If you love Pikachu and you want it really quickly. Then when it is the start of the game, when you were about to catch your first Pokemon you should walk away from it and then your phone would have a vibration but continue to walk away and then you would finally find Pikachu appear.
  • You could earn a lot of experiences by catching pokemons and opening eggs.
  • In Pokemon GO there are 150 pokemons.
  • I am going to say is that you can give the professor the pokemons that you don't need and he will give you some candies.
  • When you get to level five you can go to the gym and do battles......

jeudi 14 juillet 2016

Pokemon GO !!! (story mode)

A new story about Pokemon!

Long long ago there were hundreds of Pokemons, until there were humans. Because humans capture Pokemons, humans thought Pokemons were some kind of pets but they were not pets, they were the ones that save the nature like fight against humans that are trying to destroy the environment. The humans vs the Pokemons and the humans lost. So after they capture Pokemons to help them fight the others but some people are nice so they protect the Pokemons to keep the environment. This is how the character Sasha and his friends appear. The fight against Pokemons is continuing and the technology of the humans is improving. Who will win?

Well for the moment, humans are winning but who know who will win at the end because the Pokemons are evolving and new species are appearing. But only 5% of the people actually help the Pokemons and want to train them. The humans have a new plan to destroy all the Pokemons....

To be continued.....

dimanche 10 juillet 2016

Sum of squares

Today Tom the super boss has meeting with his staff. One the worst staff in the world said there was an alien doing stupid things and said that he needs to know the sum of squares or he will blow the world up.  And then there was superman but the alien was too strong so he crushed the superman into two pieces (and died).

And then we called the most smartest person in the world but when the smartest person finished telling the alien that the genius died because the alien couldn't understand. So we were thinking for a new plan.....

So we then knew what to do, we used our computer to do some coding. Tom's super assistant Daddy has prepared a pseudo code. Then Tom the smartest boss tried to reproduce it on his laptop (what, the boss does the hardest part of the job, that's a real master / boss!!!). Of course, Tom the super boss was surprised that Daddy's pseudo code not working. Angry, he asked: "why Daddy you put some codes not working at all there...?"

Daddy stupidly said: "That's called a pseudo code, my dear..."

"Ok, so now remove all pseudo stuff from that, please."

Daddy finished to remove all pseudo stuff and below is the result / code:

from math import sqrt

n = 100

for a in xrange(1,int(sqrt(n))):
  for b in xrange(a,int(sqrt(n))):
    if a**2 + b**2 == n:
      print a,'^2 +',b,'^2 =',n

print "no solution"

And then the alien understood and went on his spaceship and left. So basically our company has saved the world and we are the richest company in the whole wide world.

                                                                The End

How to install python on your MacBook (Introduce python)

First you need to install Xcode. If not yet done, please do it now to pretend that you are a professional coder.

Then we open the terminal in your MacBook.

The following command will install the command line tools on your MacBook:

xcode-select --install

Next we will install Homebrew as follows:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

If needed, you could update your PATH:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH

To finish you can either install Python 2 or Python 3. To be fun, I install both:

brew install python3
brew install python

mardi 5 juillet 2016

学中文 (对话)

Chinese                                           English

明明:你是谁?                                  Tom: Who are you?                              
方方:我是方方!                              Leo: I am Leo!
方方:你爱中文吗?                          Leo: Do you like Chinese?
明明:是中国人我觉地都爱中文。  Tom: If you are Chinese I think you love Chinese.
明明:我有事先走了,再见!          Tom: I have things to do so I will go first, bye!
方方:再见,后会有期!                   Leo: Bye,  see you next time!

lundi 4 juillet 2016

Angry Birds

These angry birds are making their way to their eggs.
Once upon a time there were some lovely birds, the birds can't fly so they were angry. And some pig was sad because they didn't have any eggs so their plan was to take all the eggs from the birds. Hearing their plan, the birds quickly crashed all the pigs but the pigs stole all the eggs while the angry birds were crashing the pigs. But the pigs didn't know that the birds were so quick to come back so all the pigs got crashed and died. The birds lived happily ever again and they all changed their names to the birds and not the angry birds.

dimanche 3 juillet 2016

Minecraft 4.

It was Herobrine, he didn't do anything bad but he told us that he is gonna send hundreds of millions of creatures to attack us and he also said that he is preparing some electric cannons to kill us all. He is again gonna send a few bosses to attack us. And he left. In the morning, I made a farm to easier get some food. At that time Steve made a tunnel from castle to the farm so the food wouldn't get squashed at the battle. In the afternoon we made some villager soldiers and the rest of the villagers that are too bad at fighting, they will just carry food from the farm or they will make rampart and more defenses. In this village there is a special one, that one can make electric cannons and even towers in seconds! We asked his name and he is Bob. He said was stuck in the game too but they instead turned him into a villager. Well, now it's night and the monsters are coming and the big boss is a wither. They are too hard to kill so we need to have an emergency plan. I can't think of any plan but Bob already knows what to do.........

                                                    To be continued.......

samedi 2 juillet 2016

Minecraft 3.

We saw a thing moving and crashing trees whenever it went, it was a boss. That boss was not a huge boss, it was just a normal zombie pigman, its skills are too good. Its skills are above ours and even our cannons always miss him. He is the only enemy left, all the others were killed, shot or bombed by us. We have only one choice, our last choice is to find out his weakness from thousands of millions of Minecraft weakness books on the library bookshelves. We found its weakness: it is water. So we put water all around our castle. We thought we should put a bridge after this night and at that second the enemy died by the water.

Day 2.

Today we put a bridge and a person came to attack us, we first thought it was a good person but then Steve told it was someone bad, very bad and it was........

                                                To be continued.....

jeudi 30 juin 2016

Minecraft 2.

Steve and me 1.

Do you know who was the person in front of me? Well it was Steve. He is a very nice person and he is also stuck in the game like me. He said that there are millions of people stuck in the game, he told me also that when these people die they become monsters!

Day 1.

I was with Steve making a castle before the night because in the night the monsters come out and kill you. Well Steve didn't look scared because it wasn't his first day, he explained me everything about the monsters. He explained that creepers explode and zombies can crash your door. Well, when Steve was building the castle with me he made something like a cannon and it was a cannon, but he said that the it was a TNT cannon! A TNT cannon is so powerful, do you know how I knew it? Well we tried together that cannon out, it blowed up to 30 zombies at a time but then we saw something.......

                                             To be continued........

mercredi 29 juin 2016

Minecraft 1.

Hi, I am Josh and I will present you my Mincraft skills. Minecraft is my favorite game but I got stuck in the game before but I got out. Actually I am gonna tell you my journey, it was like a dream but it wasn't. It started when I woke up near my bed, that was a purple thing, I touched it and went in it and I just realized that was a portal and I went in the game....

And I just realized I went in my favorite game and do you know once I wished to go in Minecraft. And I just saw somebody in front of me......

                                                                               To be continued.......

lundi 27 juin 2016

Learn Italien Now 1.

 The Numbers 1.

Nove; 9
Dieci: 10
Venti: 20

Hallo! (german) learn a new language 1.

Your first lesson:

Here is some basics:

Hallo: Hello
Ich bin Tom.: I am Tom.
Ich habe durst.: I'm thirty
Ich habe hungrig.: I am hungry.
Was ist das?: What is this?
Ich bin müde.: I'm tired.

Your second lesson:

This is about numbers:

Eins: 1
Zwei: 2
Drei: 3
Vier: 4
Fünf: 5
Sechs: 6
Sieben: 7
Acht: 8
Neun: 9
Zehn: 10

dimanche 26 juin 2016

Une Petite Comptine (version francais)

Promenions-nous dans les bois

Promenons-nous dans les bois
Pendant que le loup n'y est pas.
Si le loup y etait
Il nous mangerait
Mais comme il n'y est pas
Il ne nous mangerera pas

Loup y es-tu?
Que fais-tu?

Le loup repond:
-J'enfile mon pentalon.

Reprenez le couplet autant de fois que
vous le voulez et le loup repond:
mes chaussettes, ma veste, etc.
Et sa dernière réponse est:

-Les enfants fuient.

                                                        Chantal Janisson

Monuments of the world 2.

These are the 7 ancient wonders.
  1. The Great Pyramid at Giza
  2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  3. The statue of Zeus
  4. The Temple of Artemis
  5. The Mosoleum 
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes
  7. The Lighthouse at Alexandria

The Monuments Of The World 1.

These are the top 7 monuments of the world:

These monuments are the 7 wonders of the world.

These are the modem 7 wonders:
  1. Christ Redeemer
  2. Great Wall of China
  3. Machu Picchu
  4. Petra
  5. Pyramid at Chichén Itza
  6. Roman Colosseum
  7. Taj Mahal 

The Universe (version larousse)

The Earth, the Moon and the Sun : who is the biggest?

The Moon can sometimes look like it's bigger than the Sun, but it's actually the smallest one among all three planets. The Earth is four times bigger than the Moon, but the Earth is a hundred and nine times smaller than the Sun! The Sun looks like small because it's very far away from the Earth : 150 millions of kilometers far away!

Translated from Larousse.

Prehistoric people (version larousse)

How does prehistoric people kill some enormous mammoths?

Well they didn't want to hurt themselves so they made traps to not hurt themselves. First they dig a hole then they covered the hole with branches and leaves. After that they wait for a mammoth to fall in their trap and when a mammoth fall in their trap they would all take stones and branches to throw on the mammoth until the mammoth die.

Translated from Larousse.

The Dinosaurs (version larousse)

How do we know if dinosaurs existed? 

After scientists studied and observed the tooth, bones and eggs they conclude that it was some kind of animals that they have never seen. These fossil, bones can be found all over the world. But these animals actually existed because we can find their rests. These are some wonderful creatures!

Translated from Larousse.

samedi 25 juin 2016

Une Petite Blague Sur Mme. Alien 2.(toutes les versions alien sont des versions rigolade)

Blague 1:

(Mme alien est une maîtresse)

Les élèves demandent sauf 2 garçons: Où est la maîtresse?
Un garçon dit: Si tu me demandes, je demande à qui?
Fils alien (élève): Moi je sais, elle est enceinte.
Tous les élèves demandent: Comment tu sais?
Fils alien répond: C'est ma mère!
Tous les autres élèves alien énervés disent: Ah, tu nous as bien expliqué pourquoi tu es le chouchou de la maîtresse. Prend ces baffes!!!

Deux heures après... à l'hôpital:

La maîtresse dit: je vais te faire ta revenge!

Le deuxième jour à l'école tout le monde a eu des punitions toute la journée sauf le chouchou de la maîtresse (son fils) qui n'a pas eu de punition.

Et après ce jour il a eu plein et plein de nouveaux enemies.......

Enfant Genie - Carl Gauss (version genie math)

A neuf ans, tu sais probablement compter jusqu'à 10, ou peut-être à 100 si tu es assez patient. Mais tu abandonneras quand on te demande de compter jusqu'à 1000. Alors moi non, je peux le faire en lisant l'histoire de Gauss - Carl Gauss - le prince de maths!

C'est une histoire quand Gauss avait neuf ans, comme nous. Un jour son prof de maths voulait lire un livre qu'il vient d'avoir. Il a eu une drôle d'idée: il a demandé ses enfants de calculer la somme des nombres entre un et cent. Alors comme tous les enfants, les copains de Gauss ont commencé à calculer de un à cent... ca prend du temps et ca convient bien à leur maitre. Comme ça il peut lire tranquillement son bouquin!

Surprise tous sauf un, sauf Carl Gauss! Mais oui, quand le prince (de maths) arrive, tout devient facile... Il n'a même pas utilisé sa calculette, il ne triche pas. Et il a trouvé la solution en calcul mental.  :-)

En fait c'est super fastoche, même moi je sais faire. On calcule une fois de un à cent et une autre fois de cent à un, cela fait deux fois de cent un à cent un, donc deux fois le calcul c'est cent fois cent un, et le résultat est donc cinquante fois cent un, c'est-à-dire cinq milles cinquante. Voilà, le tour de calcul mental.

Si tu y arrives sans lire cette histoire en avance, peut-être tu seras le (mini-)prince de maths de demain! :-)

mardi 21 juin 2016

La Poesie 1. (L'effet divers)

La poésie effet divers.
L'effet divers des faits divers
Les images des faits divers
nous apprennent, sans avoir l'air,
à ne pas être trop distrait.

Le nez en l'air, sans faire exprès,
on tombe d'un échafaudage,
votre cheval brise ses traits,
votre paquebot fait naufrage.

Qui donc a été si distrait?
Les victimes du fait divers?
Ou vous et moi, au chaud au frais,
bien tranquilles, levant nos verres?

Sans y penser, sans le savoir,
juste distrait,
sans le vouloir et sans le voir,
on pousse un inconnu de son échafaudage,
on fait peur au cheval qui s'emballe et s'effraie,
on ouvre une voie d'eau et provoque un naufrage.

Prenez garde d'être distrait:
l'effet divers des faits divers
a des causes bien singulières.
Le crime garde son secret.
                                                          Claude Roy.

dimanche 19 juin 2016

Le Chouchou Alien Fort en TOUT 1. (version rigolade)

Maitre alien: "Pizza + Manger = ?"

Chouchou du maitre dit: "Pizza + Manger = Délicieux"

Rentrer à la maison.....

"Papa, maman, le maître dit Pizza + Manger = ? et moi j'ai répondu et dit Pizza + manger = Délicieux"
Papa et maman disent que ca mérite bien une bonne pizza et maintenant avant de manger répond à la question "2 Bonne pizza + Aime pas = ?"

Fils alien (chouchou du maître) répond "2 Bonne pizza + Aime pas = Allergique + 2 Bonne pizza = 2 Bonne Vomissements"

Papa maman disent : "Correct"

Fils alien dit encore "Vos question sont toute pourries. Moi eu une nouvelle question, 1 gateau on le coupe 3 fois combien de morceaux au maximale?"
Papa dit : "6 morceaux"

Maman dit : "Toi papa tu as pas appris les maths? Ben tu as eu faux c'est 6 morceaux avec un tout petit morceau au milieu si tu décales les trois coups de couteaux un petit peu, c'est donc 7 la bonne réponse!"

Fils alien dit : "Tout faux c'est huit regarder cette image et vous saurez comment j'ai fait. Bande de nuls!"

Maman et papa disent : "Toi tu es nul parce que le pizza a refroidi a cause de toute tes questions!"

Fils alien dit : "Oops!!!!!!"

The Final War (Immortal Bowler)

This time, I think, is the last time they would come and attack us or maybe we will win them. Because I heard about that they are using some technics that almost no one knows! That is the immortal bowler technic, this technic is using healers that is invincible if you only have one air defense or you don't have any air defenses. And now we don't have any air defenses so we are......DOOMED!!!!!

Anyway it needs more than two days for our two air defenses to be finished building and they only need one day to finish their troops. So now we need to use all of our gems to save the world, so we used all our gems and almost saved the world because they used first all their last giants and troops to destroy our air defenses and then we had an idea: one of soldier said "Why don't we go and sneak to the enemy base and win?" and then we all say great idea but still we don't want to lose our own base so we let some of our soldiers to defend. We successfully got their base but they got our base. That does not matter because they don't have any food but we got their food and we took our own food to the new enemy base and now that base is not anymore an enemy base because the enemies also all got killed by hunger. So we really won!!!

                                                            The End!!!!

samedi 18 juin 2016

The Great Attack of the Enemies in 1991

The war hasn't stopped but they haven't attacked us for one year. We now know their new plans, I think they've run out of plans but they didn't. Their last plan I think is to make an alliance and I've guessed correctly. Their plan is to make an alliance with aliens and somehow they can communicate with each other. So we have an idea to make our defenses better. Our idea is to have an alliance with momies and other creatures and at the battle we won, do you know how?

Even though they have aliens but they didn't know we have other creatures and aliens were actually even better than our creatures but we had more. This time they used all of their troops and we used all of our troops too. They didn't really destroy anything and we have sneaked up and destroyed some of their base too. We won!!!

Les Tableaux du Louvre 2

Le Printemps et L'Eté sont deux tableaux très connus. Le Printemps est peint avec plein de fleurs du printemps. Et L'Eté est peint avec plein de fruits de cette saison.
Voilà toutes les informations sur ces deux tableaux:
Ils sont peints et exposés au même endroit......

Exposition: Le temps à l'oeuvre

Artiste: Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Date: 1573

Technique/Matériaux: Huile sur bois

Dimension: Hauteur: 76 cm Largeur 63 cm

The Fight against the Dragons

 The new epic fight begins!!!

In 1990 the fight against the creator of that game hasn't stopped. The creator wanted to make a new troop "the dragons" and we think he is gonna use dragons and other creatures to attack us, so we've been making some air defenses mainly and we have finished preparing our houses. We hate these stupid goblins that take our gold and food each time,  there is sometimes a small fight. These days are calm but we always think there is a trap. Oh no, they are building in thousands and millions of kilometers away from here some dragon's huts. We think it is like goblin huts just some buildings where goblins hide in but a dragon hut is completely different because scientists researched that a dragon hut spawns dragons out when there is a big battle. When I heard that, I was thinking that we don't have any chance of winning the battle. Except if we can destroy these huts. Oh my god, I am so smart why don't we make soldier huts and we might have a chance to beat the enemy. Today is the battle day and we won! Do you know how?

Well we have made so many soldier's huts and before the battle we have destroyed a few dragon's huts. Still the dragons were too powerful but we still have other soldiers coming helping us from other countries. And we won, still they destroyed a lot.

To be continued......

A Great Story for Childs (version anglaise)

Long long ago there was an extraordinary big battle field, there was the red and blue teams. Everyone thinks that the red team was gonna win but in the blue team there was a very smart person. He's name is Tom. Tom got an extraordinary idea. His idea was to use lava and water to let the enemy die.

But the problem is how?

Tom used water from a very high place so the enemy down there would die. Tom then used lava on the other side and then let them die without using any soldiers.

                                       The End!!!

vendredi 17 juin 2016

The Asteroid Attack (version anglaise)

In 1989, after the attack of the game Clash of Clans, the inventor of the game got a new idea to get his revenge. His new idea is to command his people to throw asteroids on the planet Earth (our planet) and in the asteroids I am guessing there are lot's of bombs. Sadly no one noticed except me. I got an idea! My idea is to warn everybody. And i did it! They trusted me and they shot all the asteroids off. Good news, the asteroids got successfully shot off and the technology is improving. Bad news in the asteroids were actually not bombs but giants and other unknown creatures invading and parachuting like last time. It was a bad thing but it was cool for me because I love battles. I am now gonna see how much they destroyed......

Some asteroid crashing right on the Earth.

OH MY GOD, it is like if they destroyed the entire planet but actually they only destroyed about 75% of the Earth and they have destroyed my house. I think the inventor of that game should give up on attacking or we are doomed and while that stupid inventor is planning a new plan, we are rebuilding our houses and helping the soldiers to improve and to rebuild defenses. The weird thing is that this was also a dream and it was the next part of the clash attack from yesterday.

To be continued.......

jeudi 16 juin 2016

Clash of Clans 1988 (version anglaise)

In 1988 there was an epic game called Clash of Clans. The inventor of that game wanted to destroy the world. But how?

The inventor and his people wanted to make the game alive. And they did it! After that, people went crazy because houses were destroyed and people died. Soldiers were not at there level. Giants and archers were crazily destroying the walls. There was only one solution. Bomb the controller of all these. But there was a trap: when we bombed it there was a guy using laser. And that person is the president of the world and he is under the control of the enemies. And now the world exploded because under the president of the world was a bunch of bombs. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh hi I am not dead yet because it was just a dream but it actually happened in real but they retreated and will continue their attacks next time.

mercredi 15 juin 2016

Une Histoire de Combat pour les petits

See original image
Il était une fois un très grand combat entre les rouges et les bleus. Tout le monde pense que les rouges vont le gagner parce que leur troupe est trop forte pour les bleus. Mais dans l'equipe des bleus il y avait quelqu'un qui s'appelle Tom. Il utilise de la lave et de l'eau pour detruire les rouges. Mais comment?

Il commande ses soldats a mettre de la lave sur la nourriture des enemis. Au combat il met de la lave sur l'enemi et pour le reste, il les noies dans l'eau. Parce qu'il a mis de l'eau dans l'autre cote et les bleus gagnent le combat.
See original image

dimanche 12 juin 2016

Les Tableaux du Louvre 1

Au musée du Louvre, il y a beaucoup de tableaux. Aujourd'hui on va commencer par le tableau de la Joconde. La Joconde est realisée par Leonardo de Vinci. Elle date entre 1503 et 1506. Son lieu de création est à Florence en Italie. Ce beau tableau s'appelle Mona Lisa ou la Joconde.

Ici il y a une photo de la Joconde.

Poem : Windrush Generation

Windrush Generation Past glory of England Succes of this Nation Based on the strength of this land Many Jamaicans Find work, prosperity Have...